Mar 106 min read

Nov 12, 20244 min read
Rehumanize International is a nonprofit human rights organization dedicated to creating a culture of peace and life, and in so doing, we seek to bring an end to all aggressive violence against humans through education, discourse, and action.
Our mission: to ensure that each and every human being's life is respected, valued, and protected.
We adhere to an ethos called the Consistent Life Ethic, which calls for opposition to all forms of aggressive violence against human beings, including but not limited to:
The Consistent Life Ethic serves as the philosophical foundation of our advocacy.
Additionally, we achieve our vision by maintaining our organization as non-sectarian and non-partisan, and furthermore by promoting collaboration amongst many organizations across movements.
We are an affiliate of World Beyond War and a member group of the Consistent Life Network.
Our worth is not based on circumstances,
but in our shared humanity
We couldn't do this life-affirming work without our donors! Whether you choose to make a one-time donation or become a patron of our work, we are incredibly grateful for your support.
We have various opportunities over the course of the year for those who want to give a helping hand — fill out our volunteer form to be added to our volunteer email list!
Wear your convictions on your sleeve! Check out the clothing, stickers, signs, buttons, and more that are available in our online store.