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Hello! I’m Maria Oswalt — an artist and activist who currently serves as the Creative Director for Rehumanize International.

I was blessed with the opportunity to join this incredible team for the first time in 2015. It was perfect timing: they were in search of a summer intern and a new layout editor for their magazine, Life Matters Journal, and I was a college student looking for ways that I could use my artistic talents for good. I spent the summer of 2015 interning with the organization in Pittsburgh; the biggest lesson I learned that first summer is that serving as the hands and feet of such an important cause is easier said than done. With then-executive director Aimee as my mentor, I experienced first hand how much effort it takes to change hearts and minds on these issues.


But change hearts and minds we did! Through our outreach, we had many opportunities to “plant seeds of conversion,” if you will. I can’t tell you enough how thrilling it is to look into a person’s eyes during a deep discussion and see the gears turning, to witness as an understanding smile makes its way onto their face, to know that you’ve helped them consider an issue in a way they never have before. Those moments are what convinced me I was called to do this work.


I returned for a second summer internship in 2016, graduated from The University of Alabama in 2017, and in September 2018 I returned to Pittsburgh to join Rehumanize's full-time staff — that’s why I need your help! My travel costs and salary are paid through donations.

To make a sustaining donation to my individual fund that will help me achieve my goals, you can donate two ways. You can donate by clicking the yellow "donate" button and following the steps via PayPal to make a one-time or monthly donation. Once you have completed the PayPal process, please send an email to with your name and my employee ID number, #004. The other option is to send a lump-sum check or a check each month made out to “Rehumanize International” to our office address (found in the footer of this page) with your pledged amount, again with my employee ID number #004 in the memo line. This will ensure that the payments will be disbursed for my salary to fund my work.


And of course, Rehumanize International is a federally-recognized 501(c)3 non-profit corporation, so all donations are tax-deductible! I look forward to and am incredibly thankful for your support, however you choose to show it.

Thank you for your support!

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