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Publisher: New City Press

ISBN Number: 978-1-56548-541-9

Page Count: 292

Format: Paperback


Who deserves human rights?

The answer to this question is the crux of all moral and political action in society, and defines our character as individuals and as nations. Murphy and her co-authors seek to answer this vital question in this accessible and succinct handbook on the Consistent Life Ethic, a moral philosophy whose central principle is that each and every human being has inherent dignity, and therefore deserves to live free from violence. Rehumanize includes a digestible yet systematic analysis of the history, ethics, and public policy surrounding modern issues of dehumanization, and casts a rehumanizing vision of a world beyond violence. Beyond the confines of political parties or religious exclusion, the founder of Rehumanize International communicates an aspiration to an inclusive ideal of a consistent movement of every human standing for every human.


NOTE: This book is also available in audiobook format through Amazon and 


Table of contents:


1.  A philosophy for all humanity

Ending violence in reproduction

2. Embryo destruction

3. Abortion

Ending violence in war

4. Warmaking

5. Military torture

Ending violence in response to crime

6. Police brutality

7. Torture in the justice system

8. The death penalty

Ending violence in response to disability

9. Euthanasia and filicide

10. Assisted suicide

Ending dehumanization, rehumanizing the world

11. Resisting the inculturation of violence

12. Put these ideas into action. 


Each topic area chapter defines the topic under discussion, then contains an ethical analysis, a brief history, possible policy responses, and common objections to the abolition of the issue, followed by discussion questions and a brief bibliography. 


REHUMANIZE: A Vision to Secure Human Rights for All

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$18.92Prix promotionnel

Valentines 2025

  • Contact if you want to place a bulk order for a school, religious group, or other organization. Further discounts are available for orders of books in increments of 10 copies and 52 copies. 

Tout le contenu est protégé par les droits d'auteur de Rehumanize International 2012-2022, sauf indication contraire dans les bylines.
Rehumanize International faisait auparavant affaire sous le nom de Life Matters Journal, Inc., 2011-2017. Rehumanize International était une entreprise enregistrée sous le nom de Life Matters Journal Inc. de 2017 à 2021.


Réhumaniser l'international 

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Pittsburgh, Pennsylvanie 15222

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