2021 सम्मेलन वक्ता
मुख्य पुनर्मानवीय सम्मेलन पृष्ठ पर जाने के लिए यहां क्लिक करें
क्रिस्टीना आर्टुकोविक
एतिस्की फ्रंट
सर्बिया स्थित अंतरराष्ट्रीय प्रसवपूर्व न्याय और विकलांगता अधिवक्ता। ह्यूमन बायोएथिक्स थिंक टैंक एटिस्की फ्रंट (एथिकल फ्रंट) के संस्थापक। एडवोकेट विद सेविंग डाउन सिंड्रोम, एक ग्लोबल डाउन सिंड्रोम एडवोकेसी ग् रुप। रिह्यूमनाइज इंटरनेशनल में नव नियुक्त कर्मचारी लेखक। दर्शनशास्त्र में एमए।
Melba Tajallieh Aguilar
Former Republican candidate for New Mexico House of Representatives
Melba is a third year law student at the University of New Mexico where she is the president of both the Federalist Society and the Children's Law and Policy Society. She currently works with her state's child welfare agency and is a Bergstrom Child Welfare Law Fellow. Prior to law school Melba was a science teacher at a rural Title I high school, an experience which compelled her to make an (unsuccessful) attempt at joining the state legislature. Prior to her time in education Melba earned her B.Sc. in chemical engineering and spent three years researching and developing biofuel technologies. Melba identifies as a republican for electoral purposes, and as a devout Catholic is interested primarily in protecting vulnerable persons from exploitation and harm, and supporting human flourishing broadly. Melba is the mother of three children aged 2, 16, and 17, who are the light of her life.