Rehumanize Chapters

Chicago, il
Social media:

Toronto, Canada

Madison, wi
Social media:

In order to truly transform our world, we must first transform our communities

Ulimwengu wa kisasa umekumbwa na jeuri na hali ya kutojali au kukubali jeuri hiyo. Kama wanaharakati na waandaaji ni muhimu tuondoe hali hii kama ilivyo sasa. Lazima tuchochee mifumo na taasisi za dhuluma na kukabiliana na wale wanaoishikilia na kuitetea. Kimsingi, kazi hii ni ile ya “kubadili mioyo na akili.” wengi zaidi njia bora ya kufanya hivyo ni mara kwa mara, kuwasiliana ana kwa ana na wale wote wanaokubaliana na kutokubaliana juu ya masuala haya muhimu. Kwa maneno mengine, ikiwa shida ni vurugu na utu: jibu ni muunganisho, jumuiya, na ubinadamu.
Kazi yetu ni zaidi ya kusema hapana kwa vurugu. Ni kusema ndiyo kwa uhusiano wa binadamu, ndiyo kwa mahitaji ya walio hatarini, ndiyo kwa maisha.
Lakini hiyo si ndiyo dhahania. Kusema ndiyo kwa thamani ya kila binadamu kunajaza udhalilishaji
utupu unaotengenezwa na utamaduni wa kifo. Kuwa sura ya Rehumanize au kikundi cha washirika kitakupa mtandao na rasilimali za kusaidia kujenga utamaduni wa maisha katika eneo lako, kutengeneza maadili yako na kujitolea kukomesha matukio yote ya unyanyasaji dhidi ya binadamu halisi.

Basi hebu tuanze.
Kikundi cha Washirika wa Ubinadamu upya ni kikundi kilicho tayari ambacho kinachagua kusaini ahadi yetu ya Rehumanize Ally ili kupokea manufaa ya kikundi. Hili linaweza kuwa kundi lolote linalolenga masuala mengi au moja ambalo linathibitisha kanuni za Maadili ya Maisha thabiti.
Nia ya kuwa a Je, utufanye upya mshirika wa Kimataifa? Pakua fomu ya ahadi iliyo hapa chini, itie saini, na utume barua pepe ya PDF iliyotiwa saini kwa herb@rehumanizeintl.org yenye mada "RUMANIZE UPYA MAOMBI YA KIKUNDI CHA USHIRIKA."
Sura ya Kurekebisha Ubinadamu ni shirika lililoundwa mahsusi ili kuendeleza upya dhamira ya Kimataifa juu ya ngazi ya jamii. Makundi haya yatafanya kuwa na uwezo wa kujumuisha kisheria katika eneo lao na kufanya kazi kama shirika lisilo la faida, kumaanisha kuwa ufikiaji na huduma yako inaweza kuungwa mkono kifedha kupitia ufadhili unaokatwa kodi.
Je, unafikiri unaweza kutaka kuunda Sura yako ya Kurekebisha Ubinadamu? Pakua kifurushi cha kuanza sura hapa chini na ufuate maelekezo yaliyomo.
Una maswali? Tuma barua pepe Herb Geraghty: herb@rehumanizeintl.org
Financial/Donation Information
If you are considering donating to a Rehumanize Chapter in your community, here are some things you should know.
Legal and financial information: Rehumanize International has licensed its name to chapters and provides some limited oversight to chapter groups. However, Chapters are not affiliated organizations in the sense that RI has direct control over their activities or legal responsibility for their actions. Rehumanize International serves as the fiscal sponsor for some, but not all, of the Rehumanize chapter organizations. Please contact Rehumanize International at info@rehumanizeintl.org for information on which chapters are currently under RI’s fiscal sponsorship. Donations made through Rehumanize International will be disbursed to chapters under fiscal sponsorship, paid out to their vendors directly, or will pay for informational materials they can request from RI. Any Chapter in the US can fundraise in order to pay for Rehumanize International materials and merchandise, regardless of whether they have signed the memorandum of understanding to have RI serve as their fiscal sponsor. Depending on the item and quantity, we may mail items from the office or have them shipped directly from the printer to the chapter. As outlined in the Memorandum of Understanding in our Chapter Starter Pack, Rehumanize International is responsible for ensuring that funds raised under the Rehumanize International 501(c)(3) designation are spent in accordance with our nonprofit purposes. Please contact Rehumanize International if you have any concerns about the way your donation is being spent, or more questions about the chapters program. Consult the Chapter Starter Pack to learn what conditions Rehumanize Chapters agree to abide by.
Donation information: Donors are responsible for making it clear which chapter is to receive the donations. If the purpose of the donation is not clear, the donation will be used for maintenance of the chapter program generally, which may include grants to individual chapters. Donors may donate to Rehumanize chapters through the specific chapter donation link: https://www.paypal.com/donate/?hosted_button_id=397B8EES4ULTL The Chapter donation button to this link can be found at the top of this page. Donors can sign up to give as monthly donors through the Chapter donation page, but to designate which chapter it must go to, must send an email with the designation to info@rehumanizeintl.org or sarah@rehumanizeintl. org. Chapters are responsible for conveying this information to their donors. Rehumanize International can also accept donations by check made out to “Rehumanize International” mailed to the office at 309 Smithfield St, STE 210, Pittsburgh PA 15222. Ensure the memo line states “Chapter Program: REHUMANIZE [CHAPTER NAME]”. Remember, you must include a chapter designation with your donation or your donation will support our chapters program rather than any specific chapter. In order to ensure the continuation of the Chapters program, a flat 7.5% fee will be assessed from the gross donation to cover program expenses and financial processing fees RI incurs while operating the Chapters program. The fee assessed may be less but will not be more. For example, if the donation is $10.00, the fee assessed will be at most $0.75. This will also allow for equitable distribution of resources and materials to groups who are unable to fundraise due to socioeconomic circumstances in their region.